The best mobile app we can never have

It’s called Google Currents and it takes your favourite online publications and pulls content from them directly to your mobile gadget of choice. There is also an element of the social, with the ability to share interesting content with friends and be able to personalise trends making it easy for you to find new content. All this wrapped in an easy to use browser-like UI, one that scales to whatever device you have. So its an app that is not too dissimilar from Pulse, but made by Google with more functionality and scalability.

Radical, right? Well it would be if it were available outside of the US. Check out the video for insight into what we won’t be able to use.

edit: we can now download and use it. And it is awesome.

About TallShaw

A bit of a nutter. Is IN-TO tech and likes design. Likes to Creative Direct things. Fancies himself a divergent thinker, whatever that is. And is generally considered awesome at stuff.

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